Building a Progressive career profile with Internships in various industries


An internship is a short-term work experience. It is offered by companies and other organizations for people, usually students. It is a bridge to get some entry-level exposure to a particular industry or field.


Internships enable students to acquire skills, which otherwise are not taught in the classroom environment. It helps them understand the theories and strategies they have been reading about. It helps cement the learning process and gives them more focus.

Internships help develop interpersonal skills, team-working skills, professionalism, and customer management experience. Participation helps to get a taste of the actual professional experience in a particular field before students commit themselves truly to it. Ideally, interns work on relevant projects. They learn about the subject and make industry connections. Thus, they get to develop both hard and soft skills. Internships sometimes help to get full-time job offers. It also gets employers to access low-cost labor at reduced recruitment costs.

Example of Internship in the IT sector

Internships provide valuable on-the-job training, in the information technology (IT) sector. It helps students to develop entrepreneurial skills. It prepares them for self-employment in this sector. They can continue to be employed with the same employers after the internship or get jobs with other companies.

Information technology internships offer the following benefits:-

  • Gain valuable work experience and knowledge:
    As an intern, a student will get practical knowledge to handle some of the problems that his career seeks to address. He shall be learning things that he was not taught right in theory or his library. This experience is crucial in his career path. It makes him competitive over others.
  • Get an edge in the job market:
    The best thing about information technology internships is to get employed by the same firm. The management can ask him to continue working with them, provided he is indeed a reliable and hardworking person and can handle complex operations without any supervision whatsoever,
  • Receive financial compensation:
    Most firms may opt to pay their interns some money to address some of their financial challenges. In information technology internships, the student can learn and at the same time be compensated financially for his prosperity.
  • Cloud Computing:
    The global cloud computing market size is growing fast and is a lucrative job market. At a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 17.5%, it will most likely grow from USD 371.4 billion in 2020 to USD 832.1 billion by 2025, during the forecast period. Cloud technology is relevant and widely adopted in sectors where the WFH initiative helps to sustain enterprise business functions.
    An internship in Microsoft Azure (cloud computing)is an assurance of a well-planned career.


Internships in the desired field helps to lay the foundation for a long-term career in that field. It helps to get hands-on experience, helps make industry contacts, boosts confidence, and increases your chances of a better paying and assured job.